Transform your practice with Physimed cloud-based Electronic Health Record in a way you never imagined before. You don't spend thousands on set up, maintenance and licensing fee. Get the support you deserve with a solution that learns and grows with you.
Specialty- Specific |
Electronic Prescribing |
PHYSIMED caters to more than 20 surgical and non surgical specialties and helps increase efficiency, reduce complexities, and strengthen patient relationships.
24/7 Live SupportOur top notch support is available round the clock 365 days a year.
Our In-built e-prescribing service connects providers with more than 40,000 pharmacies across the country
Workflow CustomizationThe system mirrors your existing processes and revitalizes them with powerful automation and collaboration tools.
The EMR is extremely Easy to use. I've been using Physimed for a year now and have no complaints." |
All the Tools You Need to Succeed